Cai (tm) House is a start up company based in Fletcher, Vermont. The Cai (tm) House product is a 420 square foot two story wood frame cabin/cottage/tiny house that can be put on wheels. The structure folds up within itself and can be relocated with relative ease. There is a design patent pending for the product. The initial design focus was to build an attractive portable structure that could be registered and relocated without having to acquire wide load permits. The thought was that if it was removed seasonally or every so often from a lot, it would not require any permits or property taxation. It is essentially an superinsulated RV disguised as a cabin or cottage. The original prototype was built for personal use and is not for sale. After the prototype was completed there were many people who felt that the design and concept could have a marketable value. Thus I have posted information on this site to provide more information to interested parties.
I like this idea a great deal and am looking forward to a finished model.